Quick Response Statement

This is where we let people know what has happened in a few lines, including the initial steps we’ve taken to address the situation. Let people know we will be updating this space as we’re able to.

Information & Instructions

If we have important information or instructions, such as telling parents where to pick up their children, we can use this area for:

  1. Numbered lists or
  • Bulleted lists for easy reading
\ 5 years ago

Update 2

Subtitle text if needed

All posts will be ordered with the most recent at the top of the home page post section. We can include images (as above). Using settings in the back end, we can populate the yellow text above the post to include the time and date of posting.

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\ 5 years ago

Update 1

We can write short posts to update families with the latest information. These will appear on the homepage with the most recent update on top.

Paragraph two of our updates go here. This area is most useful for longer form updates. The Quick Response and Information & Instructions above will be used for static information that needs to be referenced easily.

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Reception, Granville Island

+1604.681.5268 / emergency@artsumbrella.com

Reception, South Surrey

+1604.535.1127 / emergency@artsumbrella.com

Reception, Surrey Centre

+1604.585.6996 / emergency@artsumbrella.com

Glenda Love-Hirsch, Crisis Manager

+1778.994.5399 / emergency@artsumbrella.com

Leah King, Crisis Manager

+1778.788.4478 / emergency@artsumbrella.com